Steering Your Development
The Dais
2EMMA is an independent Emerging Market Finance Advisory platform created to facilitate business TO and from EMerging MArkets; while also aiming content & community features as an add-on knowledge-base for business opportunity generation
Its footprint & scope are rather wide & expanding- initially based on the founder’s own extensive regional experiences- but even more so on the established long-term relationships with a large set of interesting, reliable & resourceful experts with EMMA footing or zeal
Brings Together
- A team of senior investment & corporate executives, with independent self-driven and institutional backgrounds
- Proven track record of principal deals, with significant VC / PE experience in both direct & fund management settings
- Experience in business / project development of green- / brown-field projects, as well as related finance & operations
- Entrepreneurial mindset & commercial acumen, from numerous emerging market startup & development ventures
- A full spectrum of tested people skills, as managers & coaches, but also as team players & soldiers
- Unique & diversified views of the world, industries and finance for insightful and interesting research & analysis
- Golden rolodex of industry players, finance institutions, governments, project developers, contractors & advisers
With a Footprint
And Activity
2EMMA-associated platform mandates done so far in SADC, SEE & MENA regions and in the following sectors: impact investment, asset management, merchant banking, power, healthcare, mining, construction, property, tourism, consumer retail and technology
altVENTURE maintains an exploratory deal pipeline of companies / projects / teams in EMMA regions; and we are always on the lookout for connecting our rolodex to opportunities and vice versa…
Service Offering or Explore altVENTURE
With Regularly Updated Content
Side panes:
• News Pix/:> Select picturesque topics of interest updated daily or more frequently
• News Feed/:> Relevant cluster live updates from around the globe
• Social Feed/:> Relevant cluster live updates from around the globe
• 2EMMA News Press Mix/:> An aggregated dynamic content
• Featured Content/:> An interesting numbers analysis
• Theme Related Tracker /:> Each theme is followed by related news feeds
Central pane:
• Theme Vitrine/:> Rich-content insights & a theme hypothesis browser of 2EMMA expertise
• World Monitor/:> Curated stories of longer term interest
• Data Monitor/:> Country statistics & general research information data / analysis / links
• Deal Monitor/:> Network-featured ‘opportunity listing’
Please note that you can access most the content from this page, whether through links above or panes on the sides… Should you have ideas or be the source for other exciting or useful emerging market investment and finance content- please do drop us a line: Suggestion Box